

Oracle Bones Speak (Bilingual)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
甲骨揭秘 (双语), Oracle Bones Speak, 甲骨揭秘 (雙語)

Bilingual edition of God's Promise to the Chinese People.

Shows amazing parallels between the earliest forms of numerous characters of the Chinese language and the Genesis account of man's early history. This evidence supports the thesis that the ancient Chinese had a true knowledge of the biblical account of earth's beginnings. 


God's Promise to the Chinese People

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
上帝给中国人的应许(英), God's Promise to the Chinese People, 上帝給中國人的應許(英)

Shows amazing parallels between the earliest forms of numerous characters of the Chinese language and the Genesis account of man's early history. This evidence supports the thesis that the ancient Chinese had a true knowledge of the biblical account of earth's beginnings. 140 pp.


Discovering God in Chin. Charact. (E/C)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
从汉字中探寻上帝(英/中), Discovering God in Chin. Charact. (E/C), 從漢字中探尋上帝
37 pp Did Chinese ancestors know God? The evangelistic booklet features ten fascinating Chinese characters that show possible ancient meanings that correlate with the Bible. Helps make the Gospel interesting and relevant to Chinese and their culture.

Christianity and Chinese & the West. Culture

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
基督教与中西文化 (简), Christianity and Chinese & the West. Culture, 基督教與中西文化 (簡)
122 pp. This booklet talks about the development of Christianity in western culture, the characteristics of Chinese culture, its present crises, and the challenges of modernization.

The Hour that Changes the World

一小时改变世界(简)The Hour that Changes the World一小時改變世界(簡)
A challenge to pray for the world daily. 

Come before God's Throne: Pray for China in 31 Days

来到施恩座前(简)Come before God's Throne: Pray for China in 31 Days來到施恩座前(簡)
This booklet is a tool to pray for China in 31 days, province by province. Scripture included on each day. 39 pp.

The ABCs of Missions

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
宣教知多少 (简), The ABCs of Missions, 宣教知多少 (簡)
Booklet 104 pp. This booklet begins with a discussion of some basic concepts, from an understanding of the Great Commission in general to the relationship between China and evangelism. The subjects will help the readers to build up a complete awareness of global missions.

Missions: A Biblical Perspective

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
从圣经看宣教 (简), Missions: A Biblical Perspective, 從聖經看宣教 (簡)
Booklet 108 pp. Through the study of Bible passages, readers will be able to capture the heart of God for mission. The format of this booklet is suitable for either small group or individual study.

Western & Chinese Church Mission History

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
中西宣教史 (简), Western & Chinese Church Mission History, 中西宣教史 (簡)
Booklet 109 pp. Through the study of Bible passages, readers will be able to capture the heart of God for mission. The format of this booklet is suitable for either small group or individual study.

From Dedication To Mission Field

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
从献身到宣教 (简), From Dedication To Mission Field, 從獻身到宣教 (簡)
Booklet 109 pp. Through the study of Bible passages, readers will be able to capture the heart of God for mission. The format of this booklet is suitable for either small group or individual study.

New Trends in Missions

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
宣教新视窗 (简), New Trends in Missions, 宣教新視窗 (簡)
Booklet 109 pp. Through the study of Bible passages, readers will be able to capture the heart of God for mission. The format of this booklet is suitable for either small group or individual study.

Q & A of the Gospel Handbook ( English)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
, Q & A of the Gospel Handbook ( English),
87 pp. Includes 118 Questions and Answers in the following Categories: Does God Exist? Is it possible for God to fail? Who is Jesus? Why do you call me a Sinner? Do humans have souls? How do you prove the Bible is trustworthy? What does Believing in Jesus mean? Will the Resurrection and the Endtimes really Occur? Do Heaven and Hell really Exist? How do we distinguish between the True God and idols? Why I do not Believe? Why must I believe in Jesus? How do I live a Christian Life?

Song of A Wanderer

简体字资源中心 Chinese Resource Ministry
游子吟(增订版)(简), Song of A Wanderer, 遊子吟(增訂版)(簡)
376 pp. 5.5" x 8.5" Top recommendation for intellectuals. Convincing evidence of the truth of Christianity shared by a respected Mainland Chinese scholar who himself went through much struggling before conversion. Also shares his testimony. Available also in Traditional Script from AFC Bookstore. We also recommend the Li Cheng DVD or MP3 set (Faith, Science and Life - 15 lectures) 

Song of a Wanderer - pocket size

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
further subsidized for new student outreach
游子吟(袖珍版)(简), Song of a Wanderer - pocket size, 遊子吟(袖珍版)(簡)
pocket-sized edition of Song of a Wanderer. 411 pp. 5.25" x 3.75"

Song/Wanderer -Engl. Table of Contents

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
游子吟 目录 (英), Song/Wanderer -Engl. Table of Contents, 遊子吟 目录(英)

Help From Above

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
上面来的帮助(简), Help From Above, 上面來的幫助(簡)

Help From Above

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
上面来的帮助(英), Help From Above, 上面來的幫助(英)
English edition of D1-22.

Know the Truth - New Printing!

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
认识真理(修订版)(简), Know the Truth, 認識真理(修訂版)(簡)

 An excellent apologetic and evangelistic discussion, focused around three questions which form the three parts: Does God Exist? Is Jesus the Son of God? Is the Bible Inspired by God? Somewhat similar in nature to Song of a Wanderer, Know the Truth this is perhaps the better choice for those who are not college students or graduates.


Know the Truth- Engl. Table of Contents


Good News Bracelet

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
福音串珠, Good News Bracelet, 福音串珠

Using a colored bracelet instead of words to explain the Gospel. Especially good for children. May also be more suitable where written literature is not welcome. See instruction sheet.   ($0.20/bracelet)


Good News Keychain

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
福音钥匙圈, Good News Keychain, 福音鑰匙圈
Using a colored keychain to explain the Gospel.  Using colors instead of words to explain the Gospel。福音钥匙圈Good News Keychain ($0.20 per keychain)

Good News Bracelet/Keychain Instructions

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
福音钥匙圈的使用说明书 (简), Good News Bracelet/Keychain Instructions, 福音鑰匙圈的使用說明書 (簡)
Simplified script instructions for using the Good News bracelet and key chain. D2-17E English instructions. May be photocopied

English Explan. For Good News Bracelet/Keychain

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
(英)无字的书、福音串珠以及福音钥匙圈的使用说明书 免, English Explan. For Good News Bracelet/Keychain, (英)無字的書,福音串珠以及福音鑰匙圈的使用說明書免
English instructions for using the Good News bracelet and key chain. May be photocopied

The Way to Heaven

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
永生之道 (简), The Way to Heaven, 永生之道 (簡)

Using color pictures and illustrations to show how sinful men can be saved. 5"x 7.25" Booklet 16 pp. CCL。



Gospel Bridge - Bilingual CUV/NIV

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
福音桥- 中英文版, Gospel Bridge - Bilingual CUV/NIV, 福音橋- 中英文版

Clear explanation of the Gospel and how one can receive Christ. It has many visualized illustrations in color. 4.25" x 5.75" Booklet 52 pp.


Four Spiritual Laws

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
四个属灵的定律(简), Four Spiritual Laws, 四個屬靈的定律(簡)

Booklet. 15 pp. Helpful tool in presenting the steps to salvation with scriptural support.


Four Spiritual Laws Bilingual - Color cover

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
四个属灵的定律(英/简), Four Spiritual Laws Bilingual, 四個屬靈的定律(英/簡)

Bilingual Booklet. 28 pp. Helpful tool in presenting the steps to salvation with scriptural support. same as above.



Four Spiritual Laws (English)

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
四个属灵的定律 (英), Four Spiritual Laws (English), 四個屬靈的定律 (英)

Temporarily out of stock.

Wooden Cross Puzzle w/ 5 Great Mysterie

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
“十字架”与“五大奥祕 (简), Wooden Cross Puzzle w/ 5 Great Mysteries, “十字架”與“五大奧祕 (簡)
A very interesting and difficult cross puzzle (most important symbol in history) with which we give Wu Da Ao Mi booklet (tells why the cross is the most important symbol).

Ready to Serve

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
请差遣我 (简), Ready to Serve, 請差遣我 (簡)
Booklet 94 pp. 30 daily Bible readings to equip young Christians for missions and ministry.

Prayer and Evangelism

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
祷告与传福音 (简), Prayer and Evangelism, 禱告與傳福音 (簡)

Challenges one to recognize and act on the vital priority of prayer in seeking to win others to Christ.

Out of stock.

Leading Others to Christ

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
领人归主 (简), Leading Others to Christ, 領人歸主 (簡)
107 pages The author emphasizes on the evangelist, especially their motivation, and responsibility. It is not a book on how to do evangelism, but rather a guide on those who do evangelism.

Serving One Another

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
彼此服侍 (简), Serving One Another, 彼此服侍 (簡)
113 pg, Church renewal comes from family renewal, which in turn comes from personal renewal, and service is the key. Jesus set a good example for the follower to become a humble servant. All individuals should serve one another in love. It is not only a choice, it is also a command.

China at Your Doorstep (English copy on

福音资源事工 Chinese Resource Ministry
认识中国人(简), China at Your Doorstep (English copy on, 認識中國人(簡)
(English Photocopy only). 46 pp. Covers areas of preparing for friendship, understanding the Mainland Chinese intellectuals, establishing friendships, sharing the Good News, discipling a new believer, helping with English and saying good bye on their return to China. 46 pages.